Government Agrees to Pay 15% COLA to Teachers and other Public Sector Workers effective July, 2022

On July 4, 2022, Pre-Tertiary teacher unions in Ghana declared an indefinite strike action with immediate effect following the failure of government to pay them the 15% Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) they asked for.

The Teacher Unions have however met the Government for three consecutive times that yielded no good results.

The Government and other stake holders chipped in along the line for teachers to go back to the classrooms whilst negotiations will be ongoing but these teacher Unions were resolute.

Report reaching indicates that the Parties involved in the negotiations have finally agreed on 15% Cost Of Living Allowance after a meeting that was held today Thursday, July 14, 2022, though they were not given the requested 20% Cost Of Living Allowance.

The COLA which is to be paid to All Public Sector Workers (ie Government Employees) is said to be paid effective July 1, 2022,  hence, the Industrial Action declared by the four (4) Teacher Unions has been called off.

Stay updated by Joining our Social Media Platforms as we wait for the day of resumption from the Teacher Unions.

Read the statement on the Agreement on Cost Of Living Allowance (COLA)

source: Owusu

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