This article has been prepared in such a way that it takes you through all the necessary steps one has to go through in registering for the collection of his/her Laptop at the District Education Office or the Distribution Centre.
Teachers/Facilitators will only be given their laptops after a successful registration using the short code on all the network Operators.
Until then, the laptop you were deducted for without a registration code, will never be given to you.
Some Junior High School Teachers who were not able to generate the code for collection at the distribution centres were denied the access.
This has however compiled the authors of this educational blog to furnish you with this piece of article in helping you to do the registration to avoid being denied of a laptop you have already paid for.
Teacher/Facilitator or Staff of the Ghana Education Service is expected to start the registration process after the teachers in the District of which he/she finds him/herself are asked by the District/Metro/Municipal ICT Coordinator or whoever is in charge, to come for collection.
- Dial the code, *790*555# and send ( it works on either Smart phone or “keypads” and all networks operators)
- Enter your First Name (example, Francis, Paul, Forgive, etc)
- Enter Last Name (example, Owusu, Osei, Adjei, Agyei, etc)
- Enter Your Staff Id
- Enter your active email address (example: example@gmail.com)
- Select choice of training (either face to face or online)
An SMS including your unique code will be sent to the number you used in registering after successfully completing all the steps involved.
The code in the message is what will be used for the collection of the laptop.