Ghana Education in a letter referenced GES/VOL/VR.756/VOL.5834 dated January 3, 2023, is inviting qualified applicants to apply to be appointed as Municipal Education Officers.
According to the letter, Applications are invited from qualified service personnel on a minimum grade of Assistant Education Director I and above for consideration to be appointed at the Akatsi South Municipal Education Office as the following Officers;
* Head of Planning Unit
* Head of Human Resources Management and Development Unit
* Head of Administration and Finance Unit
Applicant Must be:
a. A graduate Professional teacher with an experience in school Administration and should be able to serve at least four (4) years before retirement (A relevant second Degree is an added advantage)
b. Must be on a minimum grade of Assistant Director 1 for a minimum of two years.
* Applicant must have held any one or a combination of the following positions;
* Regional/Municipal/District Education Officer for a minimum of three(3) years.
* Assistant Headmaster of a second cycle institution for a minimum of three(3) years.
* A basic school head for a minimum of five(5) years.
* Must be knowledgeable in current Education policies.
* Must have proven record of trustworthiness and a team player.
* Must have good communication and report writing skills.
* Must be computer literate.
The undersigned furth reiterated that, in addition to the above, the applicant should have a very satisfactory work history and conduct within the Ghana Education service.
Applicants should fill four(4) copies of Application Forms(available at all Municipal/District Education Offices-Volta Region). Completed application forms must be accompanied by a confidential Report and Appraisal Forms from Municipal/District Directors and/or Heads of Institutions and completely filled personal Records Forms.
All completed application forms should reach the Regional Director not later than Friday 13th January,2023.
Municipal/District Directors are to notify all eligible officers/teachers within their jurisdiction promptly to enable them meet the deadline.
This advert is limited to officers/teachers in the Volta Region only.