Unplayful Comments as some teachers backlash Prof. Adei after his “sack all Public Basic School Teachers” Comment

Unplayful Comments as some teachers backlash Prof. Adei after his “sack all Public Basic School Teachers” Comment

Former Director-General and Rector of GIMPA, Professor Stephen Adei’s suggestion that “ all basic school teachers should be sacked”, seems not to go down well with teachers as some teachers have backfired him for his inconsiderate comment.

Prof. Adei in his comment said the government is spending enough money on education and not getting the right output.

According to him, the secret of changing it is not more money, simply and that’s his extreme revolutionary one, to just give notice and sack all the teachers, period. Three months’ notice during long vacation ‘you’re no longer employed, then ask people to apply for headship, head teachers and principals. Select quality ones, put them in the schools and pay them well, pay the principals and the head teacher about twice their salary because they’re so important and say that now you’re free to employ whoever you want to employ.

The professor’s intake didn’t please teachers which has however compiled some of these teachers to backlash him when a flyer carrying his comment was posted on Facebook

Below are some of the comments, 

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