One Teacher, One Laptop" Project Organizes ICT Skills Training for Teachers for CPD/NTC Points - Check the details here

In a significant stride towards enhancing technological proficiency among educators, the "One Teacher, One Laptop" initiative is rolling out a comprehensive ICT Skills Acquisition Training. As part of this endeavor, all TM1 users are obligated to participate in this training, reflecting a concerted effort to equip teachers with the essential digital skills to navigate the modern educational landscape.

To this effect, an official invitation is extended to all teachers in KG and PRIMARY schools to attend a one-day workshop, which aims to empower them with the knowledge and abilities necessary to harness the power of technology in education. The workshop promises an immersive learning experience, designed to elevate educators' ICT competence, enabling them to integrate technology seamlessly into their teaching methodologies.

The collaboration of school administrators is pivotal to the success of this training initiative. All heads of schools are kindly requested to ensure that every teacher under their guidance attends the workshop without exception. As a testament to the significance of this training, participants will be rewarded with NTC points, recognizing their commitment to enhancing their professional skill set.

To maximize the training's efficacy, each attending teacher is required to bring their TM1 Laptop. This ensures a hands-on learning experience and facilitates immediate application of the acquired skills. As a gesture of respect for the educators' dedication, the costs for feeding and transportation will be assumed by the participants themselves.

The success of this endeavor greatly relies on your collaboration and active involvement. Your commitment to furthering your technological proficiency will undoubtedly contribute to an enriched educational environment for students.

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